Thursday, February 08, 2007

Retirement Scenario # 112

Los Angeles (AP)- The Price is Right has announced a new direction for it's fateful last day with Bob Barker, who is set to retire following the last taping in July.

What seemed like a carnival on the CBS lot, was in fact just that. Singers and performers have been traveling to Los Angeles to perform in the first ever game show musical, tentatively titled "The Price of Music."

"We thought that with all the musical endeavors other shows embark on, why should The Price is Right be left out." Associate Producer Josh Rentondal I said. "These kind of shows have become very popular since Buffy the Vampire Slayer did a musical, but our beauties can sing even better than Sara Michelle. We are still working on the show's title however."

Fans are skeptical however, but "the power of Bob keeps our hopes up," said Kevin McCandle.

Barker himself is set to do the grand finale, a rendition of Patsy Cline's If you've got leaving on your mind, while also giving away several luxury cars.


Anonymous said...

Carson, would you mind if we use that "power of Bob" line? I can almost hear the Heuy Lewis knockoff as I write this. Let me know. Best- Josh Rentondal.

kcmasterpiece said...

Nice work incorporating Stacey's blogging with yours... I approve. =)

Anonymous said...

yay. i told you that buffy kicked off the popularity of musical tv episodes. even josh rentondal agrees. thank you mr. rentondal. thank you.

Alex said...

Did you really comment with a person you created to quote from carson?