Saturday, February 17, 2007

Retirement Scenario #'s 867, 878, 2, and 1072

# 867- Barker opens the show with the unthinkable, reading the phonebook. An hour passes and barker is on the 'F's. Why? Because he's Bob Barker. Does he get away with it? He's Bob Barker.

# 878- Bob Barker joins Al Gore and decides to include The Price is Right in a worldwide 24 hour concert to celebrate a warmer world.

# 2- Bob , against the direction of his doctor, clones himself for 2 times the prizes and 2 times the fun.

# 1072- The final taping of The Price is Right is canceled due to protests from what seems to be a cult. They have effectively shut down what they call "an abomination of human morality, those prizes and such." [Imagine it said with a bit of disdain] The group leader has issued a public statement damning anything related to this popular game show. In it is listed; The Beauties, Barker, Producers, Companies buying advertising and even a blog devoted to the show. "That blog there is a perfect example of idolatry, those boys don't know the difference between some guy in a suit giving away RV's and Jesus Christ. " The creators of the blog could not be reached for comment.

I should really keep track of these numbers to make sure I'm not repeating myself.

Till then, play the lotto and hope for the best.

1 comment:

kcmasterpiece said...

I think I shall in fact play the lotto tonight. Yessss....