Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Retirement Scenario #616 continued

Alex, you despicable traitor. After all I've done you hire some P.I. to look after me? I can't believe your audacity you sniveling worm. Mr. Fisher sounds like a stage name for a burlesque dancer in Milwaukie, keep your dollar bills Alex you'll be on the street soon with this kind of betrayal.

First, you are not abiding my requests for conversation. Fine, I don't have time for flight paths any longer anyway and my patience with you is running thin.

Second, are you taking bribes from the Indianapolis boosters? I wouldn't put it past you, greedy dog. What are they paying you in, peanuts? I'll triple it! I'll stop at 7-11 on the way home and get four bags, I'll overnight them, you'll have them by Thursday.

Third, Rio, you stupid Mooninite. Remember.

Fourth, "fond regards"? Please explain this "fond regards"? I can't see how an investigator and giving personal information is any where near "fond" nor polite, friendly or even with warm intentions.

The blender is no longer the issue, if I see you again without rectification on this course we are done, history, may as well have never been.


1 comment:

Alex said...

I've gotten a status report from Fisher and it's not favorable. Please discontinue further contact until I can address the facts further.