Friday, February 09, 2007

Scenario #616 cont.

Sincere apologies Mr. Carson, it seems I've found my blender. I had forgotten the removal of the blender from my residence for an event a few weekends back involving some quantities of blender specialty drinks. Again this misplacement is bore on my shoulders and should be of no concern to you.

Also the status report from Mr. Fisher has come back, but it puts you as a blond. Which can't possibly be right unless that California air has invaded your mental state (and from previous correspondence I am not ruling that out.)

That said, I've discontinued that relationship and he should be no worry to you in upcoming months.

This does not discount some disturbing facts however. Indianapolis in particular, as I have made not one red cent from the city, but I feel that you may have had money on their team. Rio, I still have no idea if you are referring to some previous correspondence or just making things up to confuse. Lastly, 'fond regards' means what it means, and if a professional relationship is going to continue I would appreciate this type of politeness.

Forever grateful for your response, supposing that said response is not as violently angry as has been as of late.


1 comment:

carson said...

Good, you got your blender, wonderful. Fine, I have some hundreds of retirement blogs to write, I can't be in desperate correspondence with you. A bit of expertise would be appreciated, or even some lies or bull honky to fill space. Time is of the utmost concentration. Once I'm out, I'll be able to finish it up, but a good run at the finish line needs a good head start.

Also, note to self, write Anton's personal PIR.

Speak softly, but often, -Carson