Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Today On....

Today's Price had one of my all time favorite showcase showdowns. I will speak of as if it were mine.

First an all terrain vehicle that can drive over most anything and even go into the water with, which if you know me is a very valuable accessory. And I could really see myself rocking out in OB from bar to bar driving something that doesn't have to stop for people passed out on the sidewalk. *

Second, a sauna. Very useful and stylish. Also I like heat. Enough said.

Lastly, a sailboat. Again if you know me, obsessions stay fairly constant for at least a few years. It sleeps four and, with impending unrestricted time off I could sail to Hawaii, on to Fiji or Bora Bora, then to Phuket. Possibly while receiving checks if I could do it in under six months.

The contestant stood pondering his bid while reviewing his fabulous

We interrupt the regularly scheduled blog to bring you pressing news on a small brushfire that the SDFD already has control of. No we will not allow you to see the bid nor the second showcase until we are finished dealing with this completely unworthy news story. Please take a few minutes to enjoy a lengthy introduction of computerized animation to said worthless story complete with compelling music, can you feel the excitement? No, you'd rather get back to your regularly scheduled blog? Sorry, we need to take another few minutes after informing you of this worthless news story to conclude with another showing of the computerized animation. Cue compelling music and .......

and both contestants then overbid.

Stay tuned for more updates.

* We at the Price is Right blog do not encourage drunk driving in any form what-so-ever, except in print if you are trying to make a comical point, thank you.

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