Thursday, January 25, 2007

PIR Retirement Scenarios # 610, 611, 612, 613, 614, 615.

In an effort of cultural awareness the following are examples of The Price being set in remote locals or places not normally Price settings.

# 610- Paris. Prizes would include miniature replications of the Eiffel Tower ( which surely every Parisian contestant would want) , French bread, and recreations of masterworks displayed at The Louvre including but not exclusive to the Mona Lisa. Possible exotic vacations to Los Angeles, New York and Indianapolis would also be included.

#611- Indianapolis. Prizes would include.... I really don't know what people do there, but I'm sure they'd be happy with a blender or a toenail clipper.

#612- Minneapolis. Prizes would include toboggans, warm coats and those things you put in gloves to heat up your hands. All of which I would appreciate due to an impending "vacation" to the artic north. It would be comical though to give away bathing suits, suntan lotion or ice cream.

#613- Amsterdam. It would've gone without a hitch and been the best Price showing ever, complete with fanfare and elephants. If only Bob would've shown up on time.

#614- Bora Bora. Prizes would include staying in Bora Bora forever. Only one prize would be given and there's a chance that someone related to the camera man would win. This however would be a violation of the fine print and subsequently be revoked. It would go down in television history as the biggest prize blunder ever. Even past Survivor's issues about contestants taxes. Bob however would smile this away, having setup the ruse of a camera man's niece to keep the prize for himself. People around the island would call him Dieu D'ile and give him World War II belt buckles. Bob would continue to occupy himself by throwing pairs of scuba fins and coconuts at tourists until the end of his life.

#615- The Minnesota State Fair Grounds, St. Paul Minnesota. Prizes include front row tickets for a week of concerts including a reunion of the remaining live members of Lynard Skynard, a years supply of deep fried Oreo cookies, seven no eight trips down the super slide, and a meet and great with governor of old Jesse 'thebodymind' Ventura.

Sorry I guess that wasn't as culturally compelling as I originally intended. Stay tuned for more life lessons from (cue dramatic music)



kcmasterpiece said...

Deep-fried Oreos? Seriously? That kicks ass.

carson said...

Yes seriously, also deep fried twinkies and snickers bars.