Wednesday, March 14, 2007

PIR Horoscope # 3 of ... ( at least 3)

Minerva was delighted to hear from me today. She's been staying up all night drinking Night Train and trying to chase out the March demons, which have plagued her since a car accident in March of 1998. It was a collision between a nightingale and a riding lawn mower, the lawn mower shot pieces of the nightingale all over Minerva's windshield, subsequently she ran into a tree.

She says the nightingale has haunted her dreams every March since and the only remedy she has found is a heavy dose of seclusion coupled with gallons of Night Train.

She sounded a bit off today, but when don't astrologers seem a bit off?

Anyway, she wants to go out drinking and started rambling about the bars in her area and what kind of people go there and how expensive the drinks are.

Normally my favorite topic, I unfortunately had to get her to focus.

So I said " dammit Minerva focus, focus, focus, I'm not spending two dollars and ninety-nine cents a minute to hear drunk stories, I need the future dammit and I need it now!"

So she agreed to do Stacey's horoscope, but I think my excessive use of 'dammit' might have skewed the results, here you go anyway.

Stacey- The events of July 7th 2007 will work against a Pisces, causing an exaggeration of emotions that will cause a downward spiral unless help is sought. You'll gain confidence knowing close friends will be there to help, as is common in a Pig sign. Will anybody else be feeling similar?* You might consider sending a card.

Kind of brief, but always to the point.

Thanks again participants, Minerva, Sylvia and all those of you out there in radio land.

Stay tuned.

*I think she's talking about Bob Barker.

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