Monday, December 04, 2006

PIR for the Children!

Wow that's an interesting concept, I wish I would've thought about this before.... I need a minute to get my thoughts together...






Okay there's a train wreck of ideas smoking in my head. First off, I didn't mean to start all this. Second, this is a big concept, maybe larger than the comic portion even. Third, I don't even know where to begin.

I'll need to address hosts, prizes, crowd control ( can you imagine a studio full of toddlers?), adverts and marketing, and on and on. Also a different pricing system may need to be devised such as "how many Jelly Belly's would..." or "how many Cadbury eggs would..."

(One at a time know, stay focused)

Hosts. Here's a list of partially acceptable hosts for an underage PIR.

1) Marvin the Martian- I don't think the apocalyptic mania would happen on an underage PIR as previously stated. I think they would laugh and enjoy it. Although redundant, I don't think Marvin would handle an underage PIR as well as the normal PIR. He has a temper if I remember right, imagine some kid pissing on his lap thus causing Marvin to destroy the entire planet.

2) Barney- He couldn't handle it. My sources put him in rehab.

3) The Teletubbies- No dialogue for the PIR

4) Zack and Cody- You may not have seen this one coming, but Zack and Cody are the new gen of Saturday morning kid shows. Lovable twins who live in a hotel and solve crime or attempt to while a slew of calamities occur around them. They can handle the pressure, don't seem to have any drug problems yet, have a vocab and probably want to get out of the Sat morn slump. My main concern is the infighting a hosting partnership would cause. I can already picture Cody throwing an easy bake oven at Zack. The possibility of legal issues remains too much of a gamble to justify contract negotiations.

5) Snoopy- Possible Knott's sponsorship, lovable dog, minimal disagreements with possible co-host Woodstock, and a myriad of guest starts. Yup, I think we've found a winner.

Next on PIR, further development of PIR for the Children

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