Tuesday, December 26, 2006

A host and A temptation

Mary Ann was called to "come on down" just moments ago, she cleverly tried to pass by contestants row and stood on Bob's left waiting for her chance to win a car/bedroom set/RV.

Bob was not fooled. Explained that despite her "Turned 80 today and am still a Beauty" shirt, the fact that Bob put her at 65 cause she looks so good, and the general rule of the world allocating better things/circumstance/situation to those who are deemed as a step above the rest looks wise, Mary Ann had to proceed through the game in fair fashion like everyone else.

When politeness didn't work, Bob said "get off my stage and back to where you belong."

1 comment:

kcmasterpiece said...

I just left you a myspace comment about this episode!!! I didn't see this part of it (I only caught the last half), but for as good as that woman looked for 80, she sure seemed 1/2 retarded.