Wednesday, November 29, 2006


I've been brooding lately on the announced retirement of Bob Barker and I don't know if it's the best idea. Here's a list of better ideas;

1) Dying on stage just after announcing a final showcase winner.

2) Disappearing from the world in order to foster unending claims of Bob sightings in an Elvis Presley manner.

3) Having a contest of will / wits / bare knuckle boxing / skiing / sharp shooting / bubble bobble playing followed by a beauty contest to determine who is really qualified to run things after Bob. ( All of this could also be incorporated into a final PIR special where prizes are given away in between events.)

Now the reason I think his retirement is a bad idea. I'm worried about him. I have been a bit selfish lately in my plots to move on Bob's position, I'll admit, but Bob's a person too.

Think of this, your day-to-day consists giving people prizes / smiles / hope and happiness. Then all the sudden you can't do that anymore and your agent is telling you to relax / play golf / visit friends* / take in a movie / have a bath. What do you do then, what joy do you miss, what purpose can be driven?

This may be bold but Hendrix, Cobain, Jesus, John F. Kennedy and William Wallace all rocked till the end. And Bob, Bob's just going to play golf?

*Imagine that, Ralph Elliot's gone, how many other dinner appointments do you think Bob has? I think 2.

1 comment:

kcmasterpiece said...

I dig it.

I think it's a very valid point - Bob would wither and die a pointless death if he's without his beloved PIR. Unless you can blog enough to keep him entertained, but somehow I'm doubting that. I'm sure they make you do actual work there SOMETIMES.