Thursday, April 12, 2007

PIR Vonnegut Tribute.

And I was just going to give up my chances as a candidate for new host to have Kurt Vonnegut move into the position.

Listen, he was old, so he's got that factor. Witty, so the entertainment factor is there, and also a biting sarcasm that would go over most 50 year old's heads but would land on my ears like music or a sunscreen song. ( I know, I know.)

Could you imagine a showcase showdown full of Pall Malls and Ice 9? A trip to Tralfamadore or an artistic rendering of a butthole? No two artistic renderings of buttholes!

I say.

But alas the old man is dead and gone. And his website with him.


Anyway he wouldn't have wanted to do it. He was a cynic and would've been fired for laughing at contestants that lost. And as much as I would find this funny, Sally Mae and Art Enkel up at the retirement home wouldn't be choking on their pills with laughter I'm sure.

A person once said to me that we shouldn't read Vonnegut because the issues addressed are too big to relate with and that any good story should be about something personal, like a high school graduation ring. I disagree.

This is all an experiment to see how I can occupy myself writing. When it ends maybe I'll blog about transistor radios or blenders or something else mundane. Seldom will I address something as important as today.

Till Then. "Hi ho."


Anonymous said...

Who the hell told you that?

carson said...

You know damn well who said that, you were there.

Anonymous said...

Honestly, I can't remember. I sure as fuck hope it wasn't me, unless it was in jest. A high school graduation ring? That line is so telling. Who said it?

Alex said...

Mr. Fisher has contacted me yesterday regarding a stolen broach he intended to return to someone in Indianapolis. He gave his concerns for Vonnegut, having been reminded by a visit to the hometown and a knowledge that I have had fond memories from time to time while perusing these books. You as well, Mr. Derry, and Mr. Fisher sends his regards.

He also had information for you and I will supply his number in an email per his request.

Hope all is well, we must converse soon as I have things for you.

Yours - Alex.

carson said...

Jason- It was one of the great profs at UMD, our short story class, I don't remember his name as I don't/didn't think it would be important in life. I wish I did for ridicule purposes only. Remember? We had to listen to an audio tape of him reading a story he wrote? F- that noise.

Alex- I will contact you.

Jason said...

Joseph Maiolo. Fuckin' Idiot. i tend not to remember a lot of my life in Duluth. I never did much of note.

carson said...

Wow, your like an elephant with index cards Jason.
And I'm sorry, but that new years with The Black Labels at the Nor Shor is/was and will be remembered as one of my most favorite. Walking down the middle of the street listening to Ween rock and having you drive up out of the blue was incredible. Not to mention continuing my broken bottle streak and theorizing on to what really happened in Superior that fateful night Jose woke up in an office building.
It wouldn't have been possible without you.

Jason said...

No, you're right those were great times. But far too much of my time was spend doing little more than throwing myself a pity party. Very forgettable.

Oh, and I'm not so good with names but i'm a fuckin' savant with keywords. Literary gold in 3,2,...

Enjoy, we'll have to catch up some time. Peace.