Thursday, November 30, 2006

New Host Hypothesis's Part 1

In the beginning there was humor, then a hippopotamus struck earth and killed all the dinosaurs.- Alex Winter

Bob's retirement is fast approaching ( I should get one of those tickers*) and the very fate of The Price is at stake. In serious effort of redundancy here's a list of people I would find amusing as host.

1) Flavor Flav- I can't really explain why Flav would be funny, but it would. Really, really funny.

2) Hugh Hefner- It's not a long shot- old, beauties, humor and likeability, but with his own reality show / magazine / parties it seems unlikely that Hugh would take over. Besides (again redundancy) I heard he likes golf.

3) Dave Chappelle- Never in a million years would this happen, but as he said in Block Party, "Old people fucking love me."

4) Andrew Richter- He's on a slump in work since, arguably, Late night with O'Brien and The Price would be a good stage for Andrew's subtle yet often biting comedic ways. Besides he looks like a teddy bear and old people probably "fucking love" him.

5) Marvin the Martian- Where's he been? And why haven't game shows embraced the animated? It seems cost effective, but may frighten the elderly a bit. I can imagine War of the Worlds situational hysteria, with an audience of old people in matching "I *heart* Bob" shirts flooding into the L.A. streets, with the more ambitious members grabbing the Mustangs, Explorers or Cadillacs. Some other confused members would stay seated, hoping that the little green man just wanted their wallets. Where as the more confused, yet semi calm members of the audience, would try to steal trips only to return home with several large cardboard cutouts of Rio, Paris or Hong Kong which the airlines would surely not honor as genuine tickets but would laugh about near the water cooler.

Maybe tomorrow I'll be redundant again and make a list of people I think might actually have a chance becoming host. Till that day.

*mental note


kcmasterpiece said...

Damn it Carson - you are brilliant. Yep - I said it. And I agree with you on the ticker idea... keep that mental note a'rollin'. And if it matters, out of that list, I like Flav, Chapelle, or Richter best.

Anonymous said...

Do not misquote me it was a giraffe, no wait it was a hippo, sometimes I get my history confused.