Monday, July 23, 2007

Inside sources...

You heard it here first.

Drew Carey, you know lovable fat guy with glasses, looked surprising like his rival on "the drew carey show" , you know that clown girl who wouldn't fit in a big rig.

Anyway, I'm super-duperly thrilled for Drew. At least McDonald's wont go out of business.

Sorry to rant, just making sure that if Drew wanted to see what press this got, he would be a bit dismayed, maybe enough to drop out of the race. But alas, my kindness wont allow this kind of treatment.

He's not that fat, and I shouldn't target that anyway. He's made me laugh before, but Bob Barker is one not easy to replace. I could think of worse candidates, and better ones, but Drew's alright.

Will I continue, critique his preformance? No, I'm done, save for a good-bye post linking to a few of my favorite things.

In all I wish him well, he's got a hand in the cookie jar of American bliss, and hopefully he'll find that double chocolate chip I left him.

Bon Jour. Carson.

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